Friday, October 30, 2020

Black and White, Blue and Red

When I grew up the color red was my favorite color.  My next favorite color was BLUE.  On the absolute spectrum I wore BLACK pants at night and during the darker months of the year and WHITE to show off my tan in the summer.  When I got married I chose a Grey/Silver and Rose as my wedding colors.  This was my solution to tying my colors to be wedding appropriate as I thought Black, White and Red were a bit stark.  The silver/grey was my neutral and the Rose, a muted RED.

Since the first time I voted I was an Independent.  I always voted for the person and not necessarily aligned my self with the party.  In most National elections I would support the Democratic candidates, however in a few rare circumstances I voted Republicans on the local State level.  

This all changed after 2016.  There is no middle ground between the Biden and Trump election.  One party stands to bring back the moral compass of this country as represented by  Tikkun Olam, the Jewish concept of healing the world.  This party is represented by BLUE.  

The other stands for power and economic gain only.  This party is represented by RED.  There is not one single item on their platform resembling a moral compass.  They are doing all they can to suppress the vote of non-trump supporters.  From total irresponsible handling of the corona virus, to gerrymandering, to environment deregulation this party just wants power.  There is not one statement I have heard that shows concern for the public well being.  At over crowded super spreader events  and trump rallies the main focus has been lies about the opposition party and minimizing the largest pandemic we have ever experienced.  Trump and his party are a health risk and menace to our well being nationwide.  He is still focused on crooked hillary.  

If you have not yet voted please do safely.  Wear a mask and social distance.  If you have questions about where to cast your ballot click here.  If you experience voter suppression please call 1-866-OUR-VOTE.  Your vote matters and your vote should be counted. 

I long for the days when we have a leader we can trust. I long for the days when we have a leader that cares about all Americans.  Until next week,  BLUE will continue to be my color of choice.  I will do all I can to vote and support the Biden/Harris campaign the next 4 days.  I will be on the absolute side of this campaign and cannot be Independent for now.  An Independent or 3rd party vote will only dilute the Biden victory.  

After the election, I hope all conversations can go back to the grey/silver zone in a future where we can all talk to each other and engage in civil conversations.  I do not like how every encounter is black or white, liberal or right wing.  But this is how it is in a trump world that feeds it self on divisiveness.  If Biden is elected he will work hard to bring this country together and end this trend.  I look forward to when I can see RED as just a color that I like and not a party that I abhor.  I will proudly polish my nails BLUE this weekend.  If you would like to help with the Biden victory please click here.    

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