Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Things We Keep

When one thinks of downsizing and decluttering one usually thinks of the physical material clutter we collect in our homes and offices Many are hard to dispose of because they preserve old memories.   

Often we keep photos and items of a deceased family member to pass on their legacy and remind us of their presence.  In the digital age this now can transcend beyond a physical space.   Perhaps it was weird karma that this article  was featured in today's Boston Globe as it hit a deeper spot in my memory bank.   I have sometimes questioned if I should delete a contact of someone who has passed on?

Tomorrow marks my birthday on the secular calendar but on the Jewish Calendar is also marks the 3rd yahzeit of my mother Audrey Stearns who passed away on July 15, 2015. I still maintain her phone contact info and fb wall link. I have not been able to delete this and it is a positive memory for me to have little reminders of my Mom who lives on forever in my mind and I feel still influences my day to day thoughts. I will be lighting a candle in her memory tonight as under Jewish tradition the day starts at sunset the eve prior.

Wendy is a realtor with Coldwell Banker Needham.  She also works on the lower Cape during the warmer months.  
She has her SRES and enjoys working with clients who are thinking about downsizing.  She can be reached at www.wendybcb.com.

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